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mobile warfare 【軍事】運動戰。


We shall therefore successively discuss the following problems : man ' s dynamic role in war , war and politics , political mobilization for the war of resistance , the object of war , offence within defence , quick decisions within a protracted war , exterior lines within interior lines , initiative , flexibility , planning , mobile warfare , guerrilla warfare , positional warfare , war of annihilation , war of attrition , the possibilities of exploiting the enemy ' s mistakes , the question of decisive engagements in the anti - japanese war , and the army and the people as the foundation of victory 為了這個,我們將依次說明下列的問題:能動性在戰爭中,戰爭和政治,抗戰的政治動員,戰爭的目的,防御中的進攻,持久中的速決,內線中的外線,主動性,靈活性,計劃性,運動戰,游擊戰,陣地戰,殲滅戰,消耗戰,乘敵之隙的可能性,抗日戰爭的決戰問題,兵民是勝利之本。

They do not realize that the development of guerrilla warfare into mobile warfare means not the abandonment of guerrilla warfare , but the gradual formation , in the midst of widespread guerrilla warfare , of a main force capable of conducting mobile warfare , a force around which there must still be numerous guerrilla units carrying on extensive guerrilla operations 他們不知道游擊戰向運動戰發展并非廢除游擊戰,而是在廣泛發展的游擊戰之中逐漸地形成一個能夠執行運動戰的主力,環繞這個主力的仍然應有廣大的游擊部隊和游擊戰爭。

Speaking theoretically and in terms of china ' s needs , in order to achieve the strategic objective of greatly depleting the enemy ' s forces , china in her defensive stage should not only exploit the function of annihilation , which is fulfilled primarily by mobile warfare and partially by guerrilla warfare , but also exploit the function of attrition , which is fulfilled primarily by positional warfare ( which itself is supplementary ) and partially by guerrilla warfare (一)從理論上和需要上說來,中國在防御階段中,應該利用運動戰之主要的殲滅性,游擊戰之部分的殲滅性,加上輔助性質的陣地戰之主要的消耗性和游擊戰之部分的消耗性,用以達到大量消耗敵人的戰略目的。

However , we can make use of our two advantages , namely , our vast territory and large forces , and , instead of stubborn positional warfare , carry on flexible mobile warfare , employing several divisions against one enemy division , several tens of thousands of our men against ten thousand of his , several columns against one of his columns , and suddenly encircling and attacking a single column from the exterior lines of the battlefield 然而我可以利用地廣和兵多兩個長處,不作死守的陣地戰,采用靈活的運動戰,以幾個師對他一個師,幾萬人對他一萬人,幾路對他一路,從戰場的外線,突然包圍其一路而攻擊之。

The waging of mobile warfare involves many problems , such as reconnaissance , judgement , decision , combat disposition , command , concealment , concentration , advance , deployment , attack , pursuit , surprise attack , positional attack , positional defence , encounter action , retreat , night fighting , special operations , evading the strong and attacking the weak , besieging the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements , feint attack , defence against aircraft , operating amongst several enemy forces , by - passing operations , consecutive operations , operating without a rear , the need for rest and building up energy 運動戰的實行方面,問題是很多的,例如偵察、判斷、決心、戰斗部署、指揮、蔭蔽、集中、開進、展開、攻擊、追擊、襲擊、陣地攻擊、陣地防御、遭遇戰、退卻、夜戰、特種戰斗、避強打弱、圍城打援、佯攻、防空、處在幾個敵人之間、超越敵人作戰、連續作戰、無后方作戰、養精蓄銳之必要等等。

The mobile warfare we advocate , the content of which is quick - decision offensive warfare on exterior lines in campaigns and battles , includes positional warfare in a supplementary role , “ mobile defence “ and retreat , with out all of which mobile warfare cannot be fully carried out 我們主張以戰役和戰斗上的外線的速決的進攻戰為內容的運動戰,其中包括了輔助作用的陣地戰,又包括了“運動性的防御”和退卻,沒有這些,運動戰便不能充分地執行。

Since the war is protracted and ruthless , it is possible for the guerrilla units to undergo the necessary steeling and gradually to transform themselves into regular forces , so that their mode of operations is gradually regularized and guerrilla warfare develops into mobile warfare 戰爭既是長期的和殘酷的,就能夠使游擊隊受到必要的鍛煉,逐漸地變成正規的部隊,因而其作戰方式也將逐漸地正規化,游擊戰就變成運動戰了。

But as a matter of fact , it was our experience in the last ten months that many or even most of the mobile warfare campaigns became campaigns of attrition , and guerrilla warfare did not adequately fulfil its proper function of annihilation in certain areas (一一)但是在事實上,十個月的經驗是,許多甚至多數的運動戰戰役,打成了消耗戰;游擊戰之應有的殲滅作用,在某些地區,也還未提到應有的程度。

In this third stage positional warfare will undoubtedly play a greater role , for then the enemy will be holding fast to his positions , and we shall not be able to recover our lost territory unless we launch powerful positional attacks in support of mobile warfare 戰略反攻階段,無疑地將提高陣地戰的地位,因為那時敵人將堅守陣地,沒有我之有力的陣地攻擊以配合運動戰,將不能達到收復失地之目的。

Even during the third stage , when china ' s technical position will be better , she will hardly surpass her enemy in that respect , and so will have to concentrate on highly mobile warfare , without which she cannot achieve final victory 就在第三階段,中國技術條件雖已增進,但仍不見得能夠超過敵人,這樣也就被逼著非努力講求高度的運動戰,不能達到最后勝利之目的。

Generally speaking , mobile warfare performs the task of annihilation , positional warfare performs the task of attrition , and guerrilla warfare performs both simultaneously ; the three forms of warfare are thus distinguished from one another 大抵運動戰是執行殲滅任務的,陣地戰是執行消耗任務的,游擊戰是執行消耗任務同時又執行殲滅任務的,三者互有區別。

Semi - positional “ mobile defence “ is a still more essential part of mobile warfare undertaken for the purpose of resisting the enemy at every step , thereby depleting his forces and gaining extra time 為著節節抵抗以求消耗敵人和爭取余裕時間之目的,而采取半陣地性的所謂“運動性的防御” ,更是屬于運動戰的必要部分。

But in the first and second stages of the war , it is possible and essential , within the scope of mobile warfare , to employ localized positional warfare in a supplementary role in campaigns 然而在戰爭的第一第二兩階段中,包括于運動戰范圍,而在戰役作戰上起其輔助作用的局部的陣地戰,是可能的和必要的。

In this situation , there is no doubt that we must adopt offensive mobile warfare as our primary form of warfare , supplementing it by others and integrating them all into mobile warfare 在此種情形下,無疑地應以進攻的運動戰為主要的作戰形式,而以其他形式輔助之,組成整個的運動戰。

Guerrilla leaders were sent back from the plains and to schools in inaccessible mountain retreats where they were trained in positional and mobile warfare as fought by regular armies 此外,還把平原地區游擊隊的領導干部送進深山去集訓,學習運用正規部隊的陣地戰和運動戰術。

In the early period of the war , we must avoid any major decisive battles , and must first employ mobile warfare gradually to break the morale and combat effectiveness of the enemy troops 戰爭的前期,我們要避免一切大的決戰,要先用運動戰逐漸地破壞敵人軍隊的精神和戰斗力。

This means large - scale mobile warfare , and not positional warfare depending exclusively on defence works with deep trenches , high fortresses and successive rows of defensive positions 這就是大規模的運動戰,而不是深溝高壘、層層設防、專靠防御工事的陣地戰。

Its role in the strategy of the war as a whole is second only to that of mobile warfare , for without its support we cannot defeat the enemy 游擊戰在整個抗日戰爭中的戰略地位,僅僅次于運動戰,因為沒有游擊戰的輔助,也就不能戰勝敵人。

Only thus can a main force be built up in each guerrilla base area and mobile warfare emerge for more effective attacks on the enemy 只有這樣,一個游擊戰爭根據地上面的主力兵團才能造成,更有效力地打擊敵人的運動戰方式才能出現。